Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is the Past Prologue?

From time to time the Berkeley Electronic Press sends me a message like the one below with history of downloads of product of VLG published on its Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management site. That journal is now edited by a brilliant young PhD Irmak Renda-Tanali who is a friend and the book review section is headed by Claire Rubin also brilliant and also a friend of long standing.

So the latest:

"FEMA's Path to Homeland Security: 1979-2003"
9 full-text downloads between 2011-07-07 and 2011-08-07
1760 full-text downloads since date of posting (2004-01-28)

"The McGraw-Hill Homeland Security Handbook"
1 full-text download between 2011-07-07 and 2011-08-07
311 full-text downloads since date of posting (2006-03-04)

"Review of Disaster Response and Homeland Security"
2 full-text downloads between 2011-07-07 and 2011-08-07
180 full-text downloads since date of posting (2007-09-25)