Wednesday, April 28, 2010

FEMA and Presidential Transitions

Somehow I believe that in reconstructing events baseline documents have some value. For each Presidential transition from the departing President to the arrival of the new President the transitions have become increasing sophisticated and thus the briefing books handed to the new "team" have some interest to me.

Here is the URL for the Transition Book for the George W. Bush Presidency to the Barack H. Obama Presidency for FEMA and we will be discussing the evolution of this documents over time on this blog.

My guess is that many appointees and employees of FEMA have never seen this document before. And as always it has NO identification of authors or contractors who supported its production.

My good friend Steve Afergood of the Federation of American Scientists was good enough to scan it and give it a URL. So many thanks Stever for this and other courtesies you have extended to me over time. And of course your Secrecy Archive is helping to preserve our American democracy (Republic)! So thanks for that also.

The URL is as follows: