Public Law 111-351 extends the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program for three years. The only committee print was almost 18 months earlier and the Committee was led by Congressman Oberstar who is no longer in Congerss due to his defeat in the 2010 election cycle. He was a good friend of mitigation. His Committee Print is H.Rept. No. 111-83.
I am increasingly worried however that FEMA is now using mitigation funding to alleviate political pressures on the disaster and flood program.
When I see the funding flowing to the NOLA area that will be damaged again in the very near future because USACOE protection efforts are minimal despite the expenditure of billions it could end up being a prime example of poor mitigation.
I am still not certain how much NFIP claims and disaster relief totaled after Katrina but there should be a complete and unbiased evaluation of that funding streams accomplishments before MOTHER NATURE again strikes the area.